Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cranium Hullabaloo

Cranium Hullabaloo Cranium Hullabaloo is the surprise-filled, high-energy game that turns bouncing off the walls into bouncing across the room! Players move from one colorful shape to another and use their bodies to perform the many Hullabaloo moves -- touch your nose to a circle, spin to a red, put your elbow on a musical instrument. When Hullabaloo says, "Freeze!" the player on the lucky pad wins! Every few minutes there's a new winner who gets to take a bow, make a victory jump, or do a funky monkey dance. Faster than a scavenger hunt, more creative than Simon Says, and able to make imaginative leaps past musical chairs, Hullabaloo provides hours of fun for any occasion -- birthday parties, play dates, even a rainy day. Ready to play? High-energy game loved by kids of all ages Jump, dance, wiggle, and giggle! Encourages listening and problem solving Thousands of variations for endless fun Easy to play -- just turn it on and go. Includes: A Hullabaloo talking audio console and 16 colorful play pads.
Customer Review: Popular by proxy!
All my relatives live in other countries so I had Hullabaloo sent to my nephews in Italy, the next I heard was that my nieces from America were visiting the Italians and that they were all (ages ranging from 1 - 8)having a whale of a time with Hullabaloo and then the next I heard was a parental request from the Americans, please could they have it for the next birthday too! So I've never ever seen this toy and already bought it twice, which I expect won't be the last!
Customer Review: Boring!
Although I can see where some kids (very young kids) would like this game, mine did not. I have three kids aged 2,4 &6 and they found it very boring and tired of it in about 3 minutes. There really is no point to it other than following directions and although the voice prompt is clear, it is not loud enough to hear over a a few kids so we couldn't even make out what the prompt was saying. I ended up returning it. You could easily make your own version of this at home with some colored paper and save $25!

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